Updating Passwords
Enroll in AD Self Service
Enrolling in AD Self Service allows you the user to:
Change your passwords
Reset a password you have forgotten
Unlock your account should you have entered the wrong password too many times
For your security, your AD Self Service account should include information that only you know about. As such, you must enroll in the service before you can use it.
You start the enrollment process by logging onto AD Self Service with your current Wingnet credentials
Once you log in, a welcome screen comes up. It describes what the benefits are of AD Self Service. Go ahead and click on "Click Here." Once done you have three options to choose from, describe below. You can choose all three or just one.
Verification Code
Should you forget your password or your password expires, the only way to change your password is to use a Reset option, which does not require that you know your password. Of course, there has to be some way for AD Self Service to verify that it is you who wants the password changed. One method is for AD Self Service to send a verification code to an e-mail account to which you still have access.
In the Verification tab, you will see two fields. The one at the top has your Wingate e-mail address. You cannot change that. Underneath is a field asking for your email id. Enter some other e-mail address that you regularly use (e.g., a Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook.com address) there.
Security Questions
Another (or additional) option is to use security question and answer pairs. AD Self Service has a bank of questions, of which you would choose two. You would then supply the answers. You should be very careful when using security questions. Many answers to such questions (e.g., your grandmother's maiden name) are readily accessible to hackers. If you need to use this option, it is best to provide nonsense answers that you will remember (e..g., Q: "What is your grandmother's maiden name?" A: "California."
Google Authenticator
If you have an iPhone or Android Device, the most secure method of Resetting your password or Unlocking your account is with the Google Authenticator. It also requires the most work up front. You would start by downloading the Google Authenticator from either the Apple Store or Google Play. Once installed you would open the authenticator and scan the QR code presented by AD Self Service. The authenticator will the bring up a code, which you enter into AD Self Service.
Changing Your Password
In AD Self Service, changing your password assumes that you still know what your password is and it is unexpired. Password expire every 180 days. AD Self Service will send an e-mail to your Wingate e-mail account every day within two weeks of your password's expiring. To change your password, log onto AD Self Service and choose the Change Password tab.
Start by entering your current (Old) password, followed by your new password. Confirm the password by entering the new password in the Confirm New Password line. Please Note:
Passwords MUST
Be AT LEAST 12 characters long
Include AT LEAST 3 of the following:
Upper-case letters
Lower-case letters
Special Characters (e.g, ! @, #, $, %, &, or *)
Passwords CANNOT
Include your name
Include your username
Be something you have already used.
Resetting Your Password
In contrast to changing, resetting your password assumes that you either do not remember your password or that it has expired. You cannot log onto AD Self Service to reset a password. Instead, you would go to AD Self Service and click on the Reset Password link.
You would then enter you Wingnet username and click on the Continue button.
You will then see a menu to select your verification method. What those methods are will depend on what you selected during enrollment. Once you select your method, you will have to fill out a CAPTCHA form.
Once you have verified your identity by whatever method you selected, you would then use the same procedure as you would have to change your password, with the addition of having to use another CAPTCHA form. Please Note:
Passwords MUST
Be AT LEAST 12 characters long
Include AT LEAST 3 of the following:
Upper-case letters
Lower-case letters
Special Characters (e.g, ! @, #, $, %, &, or *)
Passwords CANNOT
Include your name
Include your username
Be something you have already used.
Unlocking Your Account
Unlocking your account assumes that your know your password and that it is unexpired but that you still cannot get into your account. Accounts become locked after five failed log-in attempts within 20 minutes. Normally this happens due to mistyping the password. Another common reason is that a computer or device has memorized an outdated password and is trying to access network resources. There is a separate article on what to do with memorized but outdated passwords.
Whatever the reason for a locked account, it can be unlocked by going to AD Self Service and clicking on Unlock link. The procedure for unlocking an account is similar the first steps of resetting a password.
Mobile App
AD Self Service also has a Mobile App that can be uses wit Android and iOS devices. Details and the quick configuration QR code can be found on Wingate's AD Self Service site.